May 26, 2009

It all started with a Mouse....and a phone call!

It began on May 5, 2009. I decided to apply for the Disney college program for the Fall of 09. I hadn't realized how late I was applying, but decided to go for it anyways! It was the most accelerating 2 weeks of my life! Now I was one lucky s.o.batch of cookies. I had applied, interviewed, and got accepted, all within a matter of 2 weeks!! Other participants wait much longer for a response, so I was very blessed. And now I am an official cast member at Disneyland, for the next 7 months. (*squee*) I had my phone interview on May 7th. I had already done this, when I first applied for the Spring of 09, but I was still just as nervous! The call lasted a good 20min, and I felt I had done really well! Apparently the interviewer thought so too, because she told me I was cutting it close with applying so late, but I was a really good candidate for the program. She told me that if for any reason I didn't make it this time, to definitely apply for the Spring of 2010. At this point, I had mixed feelings. Great that I was considered good enough, and disappointed, that I might not get in this time around. So then I started prepping myself to apply for the Spring. Then it happened! I had gotten a phone call on May 14th, and it was a recruiter from the program. He congratulated me on being accepted into the program, and poor guy, I about screamed into the phone for a few seconds, but he was nice enough to celebrate with me. :)

Words cannot express how excited and happy I am, but my actions sure did. I haven't yet received my pretty purple folder, but one thing I can assume for sure.... it is coming!!!
Until then, i'm ready for the adventure, the experience of a lifetime!

"Bring me that horizon!"~ Capn' Jack Sparrow